Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Driving Improvement

Yesterday afternoon i had my driving lesson again of course my hubby is my instructor. Sometimes i don't like to practice because i am still scared but yesterday was different, i am more confident and i was thinking that i gotta do it, i have to learn cuz i need to. So i was focused and motivated. We drove to a country road where theres no traffic, stop signs were only a few and not much driven road cuz its a gravel road. it was kinda hilly and zigzaggy but it was okey. I was able to manage it but hubby was scared of my driving. lol! My speed also improved. though i need a lot more learning to be able to get a license soon. Driving is pretty tough at first i thought i was just easy but when you are the one behind the wheel.. oh boy! my legs were shaky, that was during my first time. haha!

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