Missing My Family!!
It's been almost a week since the last time i talked and saw my family on webcam. I usually talk to them almost every night thru skype for long hours. Sometimes we spend two to three hours talking. It is very convenient and clear. I get to see them all in full screen and the best is that i dont need to spend money thru calling them on the phone anymore cuz anytime i want to see and hear them i just send a text message to my sister's phone thru yahoo messenger and in a few seconds they're online. That is how we usually do it but since my sister already went back to work in Taiwan she brought her laptop along with her. I asked her to just leave it at home but then my mom doesn't know how to operate a computer, as well as my dad. They are old and they never learned how to do modern things. So she just decided to bring it with her. So today i have been thinking about them, wondering what is happening with them. i used to know everything. i miss talking to my niece a lot! She's three years old and we talk one on one on cam most the time. She even asked her tita to turn on the laptop cuz she wants to see me and talk to me everytime. im pretty sure she is missing me too. She tells me a lot of stories and asked me many questions while we are talking. Sometimes she would say " tita yung cam mo ayusin mo di kita makita!" i was amazed cuz she knew what a cam is. My huband missess her too! He says " i miss the makulit".Oh well i guess back to the same old days of calling them on the phone again but this time i won't be able to talk to them as often as i want since it is very expensive to call international. And additional charge to our phone bill again.
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